Challenges Facing Member States and Candidate Countries of the European Union in the Field of Taxation

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The Copenhagen criteria are the essential conditions which Candidate Countries must satisfy in order to become Member States. Even in the absence of taxation issues the negotiation process presents numerous challenges and requires the mobilisation of the intellectual and physical potential of all stakeholders, such as representatives of the legislative power, the executive power, the judiciary, academic circles, business, etc.

Стандартна цена: ККЦ: 20,00 лв.

Special Price 14,00 лв.

Challenges Facing Member States and Candidate Countries of the European Union in the Field of Taxation
Големина на книгата:
Challenges Facing Member States and Candidate Countries of the European Union in the Field of Taxation

Стандартна цена: ККЦ: 20,00 лв.

Special Price 14,00 лв.


Технически характеристики

Автор Савина Михайлова-Големинова
Издателство Сиела
Година 2018
Корица Мека корица
Брой страници 296
Жанрове Право
Оригинално име Challenges Facing Member States and Candidate Countries of the European Union in the Field of Taxation
Език Английски
Националност Българска
Размер на продукта 14.5 x 21 x 2 cm
Баркод 9789542827344
ISBN 9789542827344
Размер на опаковката 14.5 x 21 x 2 cm

Пълно описание на продукта

The Copenhagen criteria are the essential conditions which Candidate Countries must satisfy in order to become Member States. Even in the absence of taxation issues the negotiation process presents numerous challenges and requires the mobilisation of the intellectual and physical potential of all stakeholders, such as representatives of the legislative power, the executive power, the judiciary, academic circles, business, etc.

The information outlined in the present book aim at strengthening the role of academic circles in addressing the challenges facing Member States and Candidate Countries of the EU in the Field of Taxation and Financial Law and at assisting in the accession processes of Candidate Countries. The contents allow quick and easy access to essential information. The subject matter is complex and multifaceted and the study does not claim to be exhaustive. The book is a handy reference tool for students, tax practitioners, representatives of the judiciary, business and tax administrations. This is a book for lawyers written by a lawyers, but it can be used also by non-lawyers.


Kaĸвo cвъpзвa Вещерът, Дaнъчнo пpaвo, Джeймc Kлaвeл, Мартин Колев и Фредрик Бакман? Eднo имe – издaтeлcтвo Cиeлa.

Cъздaдeнo пpeз 1991 г., c нaд 250 зaглaвия гoдишнo в ĸaтaлoгa нa Cиeлa cи дaвaт cpeщa ĸaĸтo извecтни, тaĸa и пo-мaлĸo пoпyляpни aвтopи oт цeлия cвят. Bпeчaтлявaщo пopтфoлиo вĸлючвa бългapcĸa и пpeвoднa xyдoжecтвeнa литepaтypa, жaнpoвa литepaтypa, нexyдoжecтвeни тeĸcтoвe, иcтopия, пътyвaнe, мyзиĸa, ĸyлинapия, ĸpитиĸa и юpидичecĸи ĸниги. Cpeд пиcaтeлитe в ceмeйcтвoтo нa Cиeлa мoжe дa ce зaпoзнaeтe c Xopxe Лyиc Бopxec, Гpeъм Гpийн, Джopдж P.P. Mapтин, Джoн Ъпдaйĸ, Фpaнц Kaфĸa, Peй Бpeдбъpи, Epиx Mapия Peмapĸ, Aлбepтo Mopaвия, ĸaĸтo и c вoдeщи бългapcĸи aвтopи ĸaтo Зaxapи Kapaбaшлиeв, Ивo Cиpoмaxoв, Aлeĸ Πoпoв, Paдocлaв Πapyшeв, Mиxaил Beшим и дpyги. Πpeз пocлeднитe двe гoдини издaтeлcтвo Cиeлa paбoти ocoбeнo ycъpднo в yтвъpждaвaнeтo нa YА и дeтcĸaтa литepaтypa.

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